About Kathleen

Kathleen WileyThe meditations and other material on this site are the work of Kathleen Wiley, a Diplomate in Analytical Psychology.

As a Jungian Analyst working with individuals, couples, and groups, Kathleen’s work focuses on empowering people to live out of a conscious relationship to the Self, the psychological structure where we are one with God. For this reason, she interchangeably uses the terms Self and God Within.

Kathleen realizes the importance of encountering God Within as part of the human experience and knows this encounter happens in the physical body and interpersonal relationships. With this perspective, Kathleen writes meditations on Biblical scriptures with an eye towards what they mean about our psyche/soul.

She considers the Bible stories and images as symbols of our inner worlds, including our thoughts, feelings, sensations, intuitions, perceptions, impulses, and emotions. By contemplating the scriptures in this manner, we come to understand we are living beings who are manifestations of God. We begin to embrace and value who we are as everything in our nature holds a seed of the Divine.

Kathleen’s writings are based on four fundamental principles:

  1. The spiritual path of the West is incarnation, not transcendence. We are called to fully embody God Within. Living in conscious relationship to God Within is our psychological and spiritual work.
  2. As we are made in the image of God, our body-mind reflects the Divine in us. All our thoughts, feelings, yearnings, emotions, sensations, and actions have a seed of God Within.
  3. The ego/self is who we think we are, the sum total of our conscious experiences. The Self (with a capital S) is the totality of our psyche or soul. It includes our ego or conscious self plus all that is unknown about who we are.
  4. We experience God through the stirrings of the life force in our body-mind. Everything that goes on inside of us has the energy of God Within.

In each meditation Kathleen includes an Inner Reflection that invites you to personally relate to the ideas with a focus on your psyche/soul and encourages you to discover your soul’s connection to the spiritual truths. Rooted in the Protestant belief of the “priesthood of the believer,” the meditations empower you to listen for, discern, and live in relationship to the “still, small Voice of God” that lives within each of us.

What Others Are Saying

“Kathleen Wiley’s reflections on the Scriptures invite the soul to journey deeper, resulting in tender, hopeful reverence of the innate relationship between God and Self. The blend of Jungian thought applied to Scriptural understanding is insightful and provocative. Her work should be read with caution—transformation will be imminent!”
—The Rev. Danae Ashley, Episcopal Priest, Writer, and Retreat Leader

“Kathleen Wiley’s soulful writing is a fresh approach that marries sacred Scriptures with contemporary Jungian thought in a way that makes your heart sing. This fine work is a treasure trove of wisdom, perception, and lived experience that invites you to go within and discover your own riches”
—Barbara Hess Kovaz, PhD, Jungian Analyst

“Kathleen Wiley is a Jungian psychoanalyst who is conversant with myth, anthropology, psychiatry, symbol formation, folk tales, and the “ten thousand things” that face our conscious life on the outside, but she is wise enough to approach life from the inside out and help people explore their depths to become better persons, parents, children, spouses, friends, workers, employers, etc.”
—Randall Mishoe, Doctor of Ministry, Diplomate of Analytical Psychology

Kathleen’s Journey

Kathleen grew up in a Cooperative Baptist Church where Sunday School teachers and open-minded pastors taught her to study and listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Starting in junior high school, she read and explored scripture passages using various commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and other study materials, though she initially struggled to understand the theological and practical meaning for her life.

Kathleen’s journey led her to a B.A. in Christian Education and a Masters in Human Development and Learning. She was then drawn to train professionally as a psychoanalyst in the tradition of Carl Jung because she saw his work as the best marriage of psychology and spirituality.

She is licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist and a Professional Counselor and has a private practice in Davidson, North Carolina. She is a senior training analyst with the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, a faculty member at The Haden Institute, and a presenter at various psycho-spiritual conferences in the Southeast.

Kathleen has authored two books: New Life: Symbolic Meditations on the Birth of Christ Within and New Life: Symbolic Meditations on the Promise of Nature and Spring.

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