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Psychoanalysis, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Health Counseling, and more!

​To make an appointment or for more information, please call 704-655-1063.



Short-Term Counseling

Short-term counseling includes a variety of approaches that address situational stressors with an eye towards problem solving.  Often, the techniques coach you in changing thoughts and actions to change your feelings.  If you are experiencing situational anxiety, stress, or depression, you may find relief with just a few sessions. Short-term counseling can also be helpful as you negotiate life transistions such as job changes, the birth of a child, aging parents, school graduations, or geographical moves.


Long-Term Counseling

By working with the situation that has brought you into therapy, emotions, memories, and patterns that have been in the shadow (unconscious) may begin to emerge.  You may feel a need to explore these more deeply.  As previously unseen energies come into consciousness, you experience a greater sense of mastery in your life.


Analysis is a deeper process and requires a longer term commitment.  Its goal is to build a conscious relationship to the unconscious.  The unconscious is not only the source of that which has been set aside; it holds the creative seeds of our psyche/soul.  Once you have moved through the adaptive or false self and the historical filters or learned patterns of childhood have lost power, your connection to the larger Self or Mystery within is more accessible.  You are able to more freely access the heart's desires.  The result is the needed energy or libido (life force) to act in accordance with your soul.

The relationship between the analysand and analyst becomes a container where unintegrated emotions that unconsciously determine our day-to-day functioning come to the surface. Sitting together, listening to the deeper layers of psyche, builds a relationship to psyche/soul that invites organic (automatic) shifts in how you function internally and externally.  Problematic patterns of behavior, personality traits, learned ways of being are seen.  As you connect to the emotion/energy in these states, positive changes occur within your inner world.  The inner change allows outer change.  Your life and relationships improve. 

Forest Trees

When an inner situation is not brought to consciousness, it manifest in our life in the form of destiny”

— C. G. Jung



Jungian Psychoanalysis

Jungian analysis addresses the presenting issues--what's happening in your life now, your developmental history as it shapes the present, the symbolic realm of dreams and numinous/spiritual experiences, and the relationship between analyst and analysand.  The analytic relationship becomes a transformative space in which the contents of psyche/soul can be seen.  


Sitting together, listening, exploring one's inner world allows a differentiation between your true self and your false or adaptive self.  Knowing who you are beyond the roles you play is the first step in individuation--becoming the truest living expression of your psyche/soul.  You are the healthiest when you live the truth of your soul. 

In psychoanalysis, you become conscious of automatic, reflexive ways of being in the world (inner and outer).  Patterns of being always have a central core of affect, a feeling tone that is associated with a particular archetype or universal template in human nature.  It is only when you connect with, feel, relate to the emotion and its fantasies that you begin to be freed from its grip.  Insight, or head knowledge, alone is not enough.  

You need consciousness--a congruence between your head and our body, where intellect and feeling are on the same page, so to speak.  The ability to be with your felt sense and keep your conscious self brings a freedom of choice in how you respond to inner and outer demands.

Working in the symbolic realm of dreams, fantasies, and visions brings a consciousness and integration of bits of self that are just crossing the threshhold from unconscious to conscious awareness.  The result is an expanded sense of self.  You have access to more of your inner self for creative living.


Online Sacred Circles

The Embodiment Circle offers a sacred container for cultivating needed psychic muscles to live into your largess. It is a self-study community of like minded souls who want to embody their full essence in daily life. For details, click here. 

Marriage and Family Therapy

Marriage and Family Therapy works with the system, a couple or family, to effect changes in how members interact.  Therapy identifies interactive patterns that can be likened to dance steps and explores underlying feelings and belief systems.  As couples begin to understand their individual inner workings and their impact on the couple/family interactions, they have more choices about how to respond to each other.  Working together, couples gain an appreciation of one another's historical emotional wounds.  An increased sense of closeness and compassion develops.

Sacred Circles--Psycho-spiritual Group Work

Sacred Circles provide an oppotunity to explore a topic, such as dreams or The Tree of Life, with an eye towards what it means for you psychologically.  The group setting allows for shared learning, exploration, and a normalizing of one's experience. The need for human connection is satisfied at a deep level.

For Therapists and Training Candidates:

Supervision and Consultation

To be effective at facilitating another person's growth, you must stay consciously engaged with your own relationship to the larger Self.  It is essential that analysts/therapists have a container for processing their inner experiences.   Supervision provides a way for you as an analyst, counselor, social worker, pastor, or spiritual director to address your inner workings as they are activated in relationship to your clients.  It provides a transformative space for your continued personal and professional growth.


​To make an appointment or for more information, please call 704-655-1063.

“Every individual psyche needs its own manual”

— C. G. Jung

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