Personal Growth
You may choose to begin Jungian analysis out of a desire for more in life. You may have healthy enough relationships, but feel an inner prompting to know/experience more of who you are. Experiences that cannot be explained in logical, rational terms can be explored in analysis. By relating to the symbolic meanings of events, your life becomes richer and more safisfying. You begin to more fully embody your heart's desires and soul's longings.
You may have unexplained experiences that go beyond the physical senses that you want to understand. Our relationship as analyst and client becomes a space to understand and integrate these energies.
Living in the Present
You may choose to seek Jungian analysis to resolve past memories of hurtful or traumatic experiences that keep intruding in the present. The analysis becomes a container to strengthen yourself so you stay in the present moment. This enables you to separate the past from the present and to differentiate emotions and body sensations as belonging to historical or present reality. When you filter present relationships through old lenses of the past, you repeat patterns. You relive the past over and over. Analysis helps to free you from repeating the past, so your energy is available to create what you want now.

“By building a conscious relationship to the unconscious, we can mitigate the negative effects of the unconscious”
— C. G. Jung
Emotional Distress
You may begin analysis to be freed of troubling feelings such as anxiety, depression, or social phobias. You may have tried other modalities of therapy with mixed results. Jungian psychoanalysis offers a way of being in relationship to your feelings so that you begin to understand their role.
In relating compassionately to your feelings, even the undesirable ones, you will develop a stronger sense of self that holds in the presence of all feelings. Your anxieties and dark feelings will become more bearable. You will be able to keep your mind and have your ability to think even when you're experiencing emotional pain.
Problematic Self-Talk
You may experience internal self-talk that is demeaning, devaluing, guilt-inducing, shaming, or just mean. You may recognize negative ways of relating to yourself, but be caught by the unconscious power of the patterns. The negative thoughts keep robbing you of energy needed to move forward in your life.
Jungian Analysis seeks to mediate such destructive patterns by building a conscious relationship to the energies they represent.
Often, the voices are tied to parental figures or childhood authorities. The analytic relationship becomes a transformative relationship where a different inner authority can emerge. The negative energies begin to be used in service of life, not against life.
Physical Illness
You may be experiencing a physical condition or illness that you want to explore psychologically or spiritually. Jungian Analysis offers a holistic approach. Jung said, "If we really knew, the body and the mind are different densities of the same energy." By addressing the emotional, mental, and spiritual layers that co-exist with the physical, your healing can occur more fully.
Inter-Personal Problems
Jungian Analysis provides a space to become conscious of how you relate to your self, others, work, desires, etc. As you become conscious, your experiences change. You feel, sense, think, and intuit differently. This leads to behavior change. (Consciousness involves the mind and the body; it is different than insight which lives only in the head.)

​To make an appointment or for more information, please call 704-655-1063.
“Every individual psyche needs its own manual”
— C. G. Jung